Two player games
Play with friends

nba jam

Great news: NBA Jam is a classic Super Nintendo game which is now available on your favorite mobile device. The gameplay and crazy setting of this game must not be taken seriously, you don’t have to love basketball to like this game. You start off with a team of two players that will basket battle it out on one of the NBA courts. Start a jam session with one of your friends and shoot some hoops. Not much has changed in this mobile version, but that’s for the best because you mustn’t change a winning formulae that did well in the past and will do well in the future. The moves you can perform are gravity defying and the dunks and moves are over the top. Perform crazy dunks, somersaults, helicopter screws and set the ball literally on fire. You will get feelings of nostalgia when hearing terms like ‘boomshakalaka’, ‘from downtown’ and ‘he’s on fire!’. Have fun playing this absolutely must play classic for some great fun with your friends.

Download the NBA Jam app on the Google Play store here!


starfront collision

Did you ever play a real time strategy game on your mobile device? If the answer is no then that’s not a weird thing because the best RTS games are only available on the PC. Now is the time to try out a worthy strategy game for iOS, Starfront Collision manages to pull of the hard job of creating a good simulation game for iOS platforms. It also feels like a tribute to the great franchises in the genre like Starcraft or Command and Conquer. In Starfront Collision you take control of one of three different races called the Wardens, Myriad or the Consortium. They all battle it out for only one important valuable thing: Xenodium. Xenodium is the equivalent of what Spice is to Dune and Tiberium to Command and Conquer. If you want a classic RTS game that plays by the rules including a tech tree, units that can become stronger and the typical gameplay that you’d expect from a genre game Starfront Collision is the way to go.

Download Starfront Collision here for your favorite mobile device!